Seeking fitspiration on social media?


Now that it's 2024, perhaps you've thought about taking up a new exercise program, eating better, or some other ways to improve your health. That's great! Or, as my grandfather would say, "there's nothing wrong…

Winter hiking: Magical or miserable?


By midwinter, our urge to hibernate can start to feel constricting instead of cozy. What better antidote to being cooped up indoors than a bracing hike in the crisp air outdoors? Winter backdrops are stark,…

Can watching sports be bad for your health?


As the new year rolls on, sports fans rejoice! You've had the excitement of the college football bowl games and the national championship game, the NFL playoff games are winnowing teams down to the Super…

Shining light on night blindness


Animals renowned for their outstanding night vision include owls, cats, tarsiers (a tiny primate in Southeast Asia) — and even the dung beetle. But humans? Not so much. Over time, many people suffer from night…