The art of a heartfelt apology


If you've been stuck mostly at home with one or more family members over the past year, chances are you've gotten on one another's nerves occasionally. When you're under a lot of stress, it's not…

Could men with advanced prostate cancer avoid chemotherapy?


When we think about radiation therapy, we typically picture treatments directed at tumors by a machine located outside the body. Now imagine a different scenario — one in which radioactive particles injected into the bloodstream…

Why do your prescription drugs cost so much?


I was in line at a pharmacy recently as the customer ahead of me was picking up her prescription. The pharmacist matter-of-factly said: "that'll be $850." All she could say was "really?" She left without…

How well do you score on brain health?


Need another jolt of motivation to shore up a resolution to shed weight, sleep more soundly, boost nutrition or exercise levels, or cut back on alcohol? Then you'll be pleased to learn that any (and…

A mindful way to help manage type 2 diabetes?


Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep are cornerstones of self-care for people with type 2 diabetes. But what about mind-body practices? Can they also help people manage or even treat…

Which migraine medications are most helpful?


If you suffer from the throbbing, intense pain set off by migraine headaches, you may well wonder which medicines are most likely to offer relief. A recent study suggests a class of drugs called triptans…